Do Not Manage Time. Manage Yourself.
Time is a commodity that commands a price. Treating time as a commodity is, however, problematic. It has the potential to induce guilt in individuals who might erroneously think that they are ‘wasting’ time even [...]
Your Company Is On TV. You Aren’t Going to Blow It, Are You?
It can be a public relations coup for a company to get the local media to come in with their TV cameras. When this wonderful event happens, though, you need to be prepared. Many businesses [...]
Are You Ready for a TV Appearance?
1. Are you reading from a script, and not including the back-story and heart of your company for your TV appearance? 2. Are you depending on the reporter to supply all the questions? 3. Are [...]
Do You Take Care Of Yourself, As Well As Coordinating Your Next Steps?
1. Do you see the needs of others outweighing most of your own personal needs? 2. Do you let the traps of modern technology and social media detract you from the truly important? 3. Do [...]
How to Facilitate a Mediation
Occasionally, leaders will be asked to facilitate mediation, whether between peers, staff members, or other members of the organization. While there may be a natural tendency to feel complimented by this request, it will not [...]
Are You Following the Correct Steps to Facilitate a Mediation?
1. Are both parties in agreement that they want to be mediated? 2. Are you setting up a preliminary meeting with each party separately in order to prepare them prior to a collective meeting? 3. [...]
f It’s Never Good Enough Now, It Never Will Be
Many people in the working world will run across someone in a managerial or supervisory position who may seem to never be happy with anyone’s job performance. They may even be constant complainers in some [...]
Are You Giving the Impression That It’s Never Good Enough?
1. Are you constantly pushing goals and expectations on you subordinates without asking for their input? 2. Do you assume that each employee must be pushed to their limits to be motivated? 3. Are you [...]
Successful Presentations
Successful TV commercials have a tight and urgent quality to them – their makers know that they only have 30 seconds in which to grab their audience. Marketers who give live presentations, though, loosen up [...]
Are You Creating a Successful Presentation?
1. Are you taking a well established truth and opposing it to grab people’s attention? 2. Are you able to startle people with your headlines? 3. Are you able to reduce your points to catchy [...]