Business Assessments
EACC Assessments assist individuals and organizations in uncovering strengths and weaknesses. The use of assessments allows a forum to identify situations from multiple perspectives, and establishes a platform for decision making, developmental goals, and other change agents that will improve and enhance mechanisms already in place, and those to be developed.
A few of our most popular surveys offered by EACC’s division I-AD (Institute for Applied Development) include:
EACC 360 Degree Feedback Assessment is the most powerful way to gather valuable perspectives on leadership performance by the people most affected by the way your supervisors and managers lead. Unlike most surveys that focus on gathering numerical ratings, our surveys provide detailed narrative comments on each item about what the leader is doing well and what actions or behaviors need to change. EACC 360 Degree Feedback Assessment offers the ability for multiple raters within and outside the organization.
Katson Organizational Climate Assessment refers to a set of measurable dimensions or properties of the work environment as perceived by the people in those settings. These measurable dimensions influence motivation and behavior within individuals and teams. This survey’s uniqueness is that it focuses on motivational factors, not the physical environment.
ConVans Leadership Styles Inventory helps define specific areas of comfort and discomfort in leading others. This validates strengths and identifies specific leadership areas needing development.
For more information on the above assessments or other assessments EACC offers, please visit our Product Page.
For additional information on Assessments, Coaching, or Partnering.
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